What is node.js

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript code outside of a browser. You can use Node.js to create dynamic web applications that can handle multiple concurrent requests and interact with databases, files, and other systems. Node.js is fast, scalable, and efficient, thanks to its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model and its ability to use npm, the largest ecosystem of open-source libraries in the world. Node.js also has a rich set of core modules that provide various functionalities such as networking, cryptography, file system access, etc. Node.js is compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux, and other platforms, and it has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its improvement and innovation. To get started with Node.js, you can download the latest version from the official website or use a package manager to install it on your system.

Here are some of the best Node.js courses for 2023 :

IBM Full Stack Software Developer: IBM  

Do you want to learn how to build full stack applications using IBM's cloud, AI, and blockchain technologies? If so, you might be interested in the IBM Full Stack Software Developer course. This course will teach you the fundamentals of web development, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Node.js. You will also learn how to use IBM's tools and platforms, such as Cloud Foundry, Watson, and Hyperledger Fabric, to create innovative and secure software solutions. You will gain hands-on experience by working on real-world projects and challenges that will help you develop your skills and portfolio.

Some of the benefits of taking this course are:

- You will learn from IBM's experts and mentors who have extensive experience in the industry.

- You will earn a certificate of completion that will showcase your credentials and achievements.

- You will gain access to IBM's network and community of developers, clients, and partners who can offer you support and opportunities.

- You will enhance your career prospects and employability by acquiring in-demand skills and knowledge.

Learn More / join this course

Developing Back-End Apps with Node.js and Express: IBM

**Developing Back-End Apps with Node.js and Express** is a course offered by IBM that teaches you how to create server-side applications using the most popular web technologies. You will learn how to use Node.js, a JavaScript runtime that allows you to run JavaScript code outside of a browser, and Express, a web framework that simplifies the development of web applications. You will also learn how to use npm, a package manager that helps you install and manage Node.js modules, and how to develop asynchronous callback functions and promises to handle asynchronous operations. By the end of the course, you will be able to create REST APIs, perform CRUD operations, implement authentication and session management, and build a portfolio project using Node.js and Express.


In this course, you will learn:


- How to create server-side applications using the Node.js JavaScript runtime.

- How to extend your Node.js applications with third-party packages and frameworks, including Express.

- How to use npm to manage Node.js packages in your Node.js application.

- How to develop asynchronous callback functions and promises to complete asynchronous operations.

- How to create REST APIs and perform CRUD operations using Node.js and Express.

- How to implement authentication and session management using Node.js and Express.

RESTful Microservices Using Node.js and Express: NIIT  

Building Modern Node.js Applications on AWS: Amazon Web Services

"Building Modern Node.js Applications on AWS" is a course offered by Amazon Web Services on Coursera. The course is designed to teach you how to build a modern, greenfield serverless backend on AWS. The course covers how to build an API-driven application using Amazon API Gateway for serverless API hosting, AWS Lambda for serverless computing, and Amazon Cognito for serverless authentication. You will learn about the different configurations that exist for Lambda and how to create and manage lambda functions. The course also covers how to optimize your APIs at every layer using AWS features.  


Here is a list of what you will learn from the course:

- How to build a modern, greenfield serverless backend on AWS

- How to build an API-driven application using Amazon API Gateway for serverless API hosting

- How to use AWS Lambda for serverless computing

- How to use Amazon Cognito for serverless authentication

- How to create and manage lambda functions

- How to optimize your APIs at every layer using AWS features


Server side JavaScript with Node.js: NIIT  

"Server side JavaScript with Node.js" is a course offered by NIIT on Coursera. The course is designed to introduce you to the Node.js environment and help you design and develop the backend or server-side of an application. The course provides hands-on coding exercises that will enable you to build JavaScript programs and test and execute them in the Node.js environment.  

Here is a list of what you will learn from the course:

- How to design and develop the backend or server-side of an application

- How to build JavaScript programs

- How to test and execute JavaScript programs in the Node.js environment


The Complete 2023 Web Development Bootcamp: Udemy

"The Complete 2023 Web Development Bootcamp" is a course offered by Udemy. The course is designed to teach you how to become a full-stack web developer with just one course. You will learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB, Web3 and DApps. You will build 16 web development projects for your portfolio that are ready to apply for junior developer jobs.


Here is a list of what you will learn from the course:

- How to become a full-stack web developer with just one course



- Javascript

- Node

- React

- MongoDB

- Web3 and DApps

- How to build 16 web development projects for your portfolio that are ready to apply for junior developer jobs


Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course: Udemy

"Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course" is a course offered by Udemy. The course is designed to teach you modern technologies that are actually being used behind tech companies in 2023. You will learn skills that will allow you to apply for jobs like Web Developer, Software Developer, Front End Developer, JavaScript Developer, and Full Stack Developer. You will build 10+ real world Web Development projects that you can show off.


Here is a list of what you will learn from the course:

- Modern technologies that are actually being used behind tech companies in 2023

- Skills that will allow you to apply for jobs like Web Developer, Software Developer, Front End Developer, JavaScript Developer, and Full Stack Developer

- How to build 10+ real world Web Development projects that you can show off

- How to use HTML and CSS to create responsive websites

- How to use JavaScript and jQuery to add interactivity to your websites


HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB, Web3 and DApps

"HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB, Web3 and DApps" is a course offered by Udemy. The course is designed to teach you how to build web applications using modern technologies. You will learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, React, MongoDB, Web3 and DApps.

Here is a list of what you will learn from the course:

- How to build web applications using modern technologies



- Javascript

- Node.js

- React

- MongoDB

- Web3 and DApps


Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB: Udemy  

The **Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB** is a course offered on Udemy that teaches you how to create a real-world backend for a bootcamp directory app. The course is created by Brad Traversy and has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars from over 24,000 students¹.  


In this course, you will learn about HTTP Fundamentals (Req/Res Cycle, Status Codes, etc), Advanced Mongoose Queries, JWT/Cookie Authentication, Express & Mongoose Middleware (Geocoding, Auth, Error Handling, etc), API Security (NoSQL injection, XSS protection, Rate Limiting), API Documentation & Deployment¹.  


Here is what you will learn in this course :

- HTTP Essentials

- Postman Client

- RESTful APIs

- Express Framework

- Routing & Controller Methods

- MongoDB Atlas & Compass

- Mongoose ODM.


HTTP with Node.js: PluralSight  

The **HTTP with Node.js 12** is a course offered on Pluralsight that teaches you how to work with one of the most important components of Node.js, the HTTP module. You will gain practical knowledge that will serve as a foundation for building any web-based application. The course is created by Armen Avanesi and has a rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars from over 89 students.  


In this course, you will learn about the request and response objects and how to work with streamed data. Next, you will explore URL handling, managing file uploads, working with authentication headers, and how to make requests to external APIs. Finally, you will delve into some common libraries offered by the community that help make development a breeze¹.  


Here is what you will learn in this course:

- Node.js is a perfect fit for a wide variety of applications.

- The HTTP module acts as a backbone for these applications by providing the functionality needed to create servers and interface with the web.

- You will gain the knowledge you need to implement Node’s powerful, built-in HTTP module in any application.

- First, you will learn about the request and response objects and how to work with streamed data.

- Next, you will explore URL handling, managing file uploads, working with authentication headers, and how to make requests to external APIs.

- Finally, you will delve into some common libraries offered by the community that help make development a breeze¹.


Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2023: Udemy  

The **Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2023** is a course offered on Udemy that teaches you how to master the entire modern back-end stack: Node, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose (MongoDB JS driver). You will learn how to build a complete, beautiful & real-world application from start to finish (API and server-side rendered website) and how to build a fast, scalable, feature-rich RESTful API (includes filters, sorts, pagination, and much more). The course is created by Jonas Schmedtmann and has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars from over 18,000 students¹.  


Here is what you will learn in this course:

- Master the entire modern back-end stack: Node, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose (MongoDB JS driver)

- Build a complete, beautiful & real-world application from start to finish (API and server-side rendered website)

- Build a fast, scalable, feature-rich RESTful API (includes filters, sorts, pagination, and much more)

- Learn how Node really works behind the scenes: event loop, blocking vs non-blocking code, streams, modules, etc.

- CRUD operations with MongoDB and Mongoose

- Deep dive into mongoose (including all advanced features)

- How to work with data in NoSQL databases (including geospatial data)

- Advanced authentication and authorization (including password reset)

- Security: encryption, sanitization, rate limiting, etc.

- Server-side website rendering with Pug templates

- Credit card payments with Stripe

- Sending emails & uploading files

- Deploy the final application to production (including a Git crash-course)¹.

Integrating Node Applications with GitHub: PluralSight  

The **Integrating Node Applications with GitHub** is a course offered on Pluralsight that teaches you how to integrate your GitHub projects with Travis CI, which will let you know well in advance if there are any errors, and can be integrated with other applications to allow for error-free deploys. You will also learn how to deploy your NodeJS application using Heroku. The course is created by Daniel Stern and has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars from over 35 students¹.  


Here is what you will learn in this course:

- Learn how to integrate your GitHub projects with Travis CI

- Deploy your NodeJS application using Heroku

- Learn how to set GitHub up with Trello, which facilitates professional discussion between workers and clients

- Integrate custom Node.js webhooks with GitHub¹.


Node JS Advanced Training: Learn with Tests, Projects & Exercises: Udemy  

The **Node JS Advanced Training: Learn with Tests, Projects & Exercises** is a course offered on Udemy that teaches you how to get advanced with Node.js! You will learn caching with Redis, speed up through clustering, and add image upload with S3 and Node. The course is created by Stephen Grider and has a rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars from over 8,000 students¹.  


Here is what you will learn in this course:

- Absolutely master the Event Loop and understand each of its stages

- Utilize Worker Threads and Clustering to dramatically improve the performance of Node servers

- Speed up database queries with caching for MongoDB backed by Redis

- Add automated browser testing to your Node server, complete with continuous integration pipeline setup

- Apply scalable image and file upload to your app, utilizing AWS S3¹.


Build A Node.js Serverless Framework Using AWS: PluralSight  

The **Build A Node.js Serverless Framework Using AWS** is a course offered on Pluralsight that teaches you how to leverage the Serverless Framework to develop serverless applications. You will learn how to develop and deploy fullstack serverless applications and microservices on AWS using the framework. The course is created by Fernando Medina Corey and has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars from over 80 students¹.  

Here is what you will learn in this course:

- At the heart of application development is a desire to rapidly create scalable and high-quality applications.

- You'll learn how to leverage the Serverless Framework to develop those kinds of applications.

- First, you'll explore the basic application model of serverless applications within the framework.

- Next, you'll uncover how to development and deploy fullstack serverless applications and microservices on AWS using the framework.

- Finally, you'll delve into how serverless applications can be used to create resilient fault-tolerant architectures¹.


Learn and Understand NodeJS: Udemy

The **Learn and Understand NodeJS** is a course offered on Udemy that teaches you how to build applications using Node.js. The course is created by Anthony Alicea and has a rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars from over 50,000 students.  


Here is what you will learn in this course:

- Learn the basics of Node.js

- Understand the Node.js core concepts

- Build applications using Node.js

- Learn how to use NPM (Node Package Manager)

- Understand how to use callbacks and the event loop

- Learn how to use streams and buffers

- Understand how to use modules and require()

- Learn how to use Express.

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