Here are 15 best JavaScript courses available online in 2023:


[Udemy] The Complete JavaScript Course 2023: From Zero to Expert

The Complete JavaScript Course 2023: From Zero to Expert! is one of the bestselling JavaScript courses on Udemy and is rated **4.7 stars** out of 5. It is considered one of the Best JavaScript Courses for Beginners as well as JavaScript developers who want to learn advanced JavaScript functions through coding exercises and projects.  


The course is created by Jonas Schmedtmann and it will take you from the very fundamentals of JavaScript, all the way to building modern and complex applications. You will become an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer from scratch. You will learn how to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching, workflows. You will also learn JavaScript fundamentals such as variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, etc. Modern ES6+ from the beginning: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, optional chaining (ES2020), etc. Modern OOP: Classes, constructors, prototypal inheritance, encapsulation, etc. Complex concepts like the 'this' keyword, higher-order functions, closures, etc. Asynchronous JavaScript: Event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX calls and APIs. How to architect your code using flowcharts and common patterns. Modern tools for 2022 and beyond: NPM, Parcel, Babel and ES6 modules. Practice your skills with 50+ challenges and assignments (solutions included). You can also get fast and friendly support in the Q&A area.


Here's what you'll learn from this course:

- Become an advanced JavaScript developer from scratch.

- Build 6 beautiful real-world projects for your portfolio (not boring toy apps).

- Become job-ready by understanding how JavaScript really works behind the scenes.

- How to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching workflows.

- JavaScript fundamentals: variables if/else operators boolean logic functions arrays objects loops strings etc.

- Modern ES6+ from the beginning: arrow functions destructuring spread operator optional chaining (ES2020) etc.

- Modern OOP: Classes constructors prototypal inheritance encapsulation etc.

- Complex concepts like the 'this' keyword higher-order functions closures etc.

- Asynchronous JavaScript: Event loop promises async/await AJAX calls and APIs.

- How to architect your code using flowcharts and common patterns.

- Modern tools for 2022 and beyond: NPM Parcel Babel and ES6 modules.

- Practice your skills with 50+ challenges and assignments (solutions included).

- Get fast and friendly support in the Q&A area.

[Udemy] Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning is a beginner-friendly course that requires some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS and the students are good to go. The course prepares students to apply as a Junior Web Developer or SDE - 1 role in any prestigious MNCs. This is a **36+ hour** in-depth course that will take you from the absolute beginning of JavaScript, learning about data types, functions and loops to learning DOM manipulation, asynchronous JS with promises, async/await and much more. You will even learn how to write unit tests for algorithms.


Here's what you'll learn from this course:

- Learn the Fundamentals (Variables, Loops, Functions, etc).

- Learn How JavaScript Works (Execution Context, Call Stack, Async JS).

- Master the Document Object Model & Events (Interactivity).

- Asynchronous JavaScript (Callbacks, Promises, Fetch, Ajax).

- OOP (Constructors, Prototypes, Classes).

- Modern Tooling & Workflow (Webpack, Babel, File Structure, NPM, Plugins & Loaders).

- Full Stack Project With Webpack, Node, Express & MongoDB.

- 5 Real World Projects & 10+ Mini-Projects.

[FreeCodeCamp] JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures is a course offered by In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of JavaScript including variables, arrays, objects, loops, and functions. Once you have the fundamentals down, you'll apply that knowledge by creating algorithms to manipulate strings, factorialize numbers, and even calculate the orbit of the International Space Station. Along the way, you'll also learn two important programming styles or paradigms: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP).

Here's what you'll learn from the course:

- The fundamentals of JavaScript including variables, arrays, objects, loops, and functions.

- Creating algorithms to manipulate strings, factorialize numbers, and even calculate the orbit of the International Space Station.

- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP).

[TheOdinProject] Full Stack JavaScript

Full Stack JavaScript is a course offered by The Odin Project. This path takes you through their entire JavaScript curriculum. The courses should be taken in the order that they are displayed. You'll learn everything you need to know to create beautiful responsive websites from scratch using JavaScript and NodeJs¹.


Here's what you'll learn from this course:

- Intermediate HTML and CSS.

- JavaScript.

- Advanced HTML and CSS.

- NodeJS.

- Getting Hired.

[Codecademy] Learn JavaScript

Learn JavaScript is a course offered by Codecademy that teaches the basics of JavaScript. The course is designed for beginners who have no prior knowledge of programming. In this course, you will learn the basics of JavaScript, including variables, data types, functions, loops, and arrays. You will also learn how to use JavaScript to create interactive web pages and how to work with the Document Object Model (DOM) and events.


The course is divided into several modules that cover different topics. Each module contains several lessons that include interactive exercises and quizzes to help you reinforce your learning. The course also includes a final project that allows you to apply what you have learned to build a real-world web application.


By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of JavaScript and be able to build your own web applications. You will also receive a certificate of completion that you can add to your resume or LinkedIn profile.

Here's what you'll learn from this course:

- Build core programming concepts

- Learn object-oriented concepts

- Read and write JavaScript


The course takes approximately 20 hours to complete and is included with paid plans. There are no prerequisites for this course. You can find more information about the course on [Codecademy's website](

[JavaScript.Info] The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

**The Modern JavaScript Tutorial** is a community-driven text-based JavaScript tutorial that is constantly updated and written in plain English. It covers the basics of JavaScript and goes on to advanced topics with simple but detailed explanations. The tutorial is divided into three parts:


- Part 1: The JavaScript language

- Part 2: Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces

- Part 3: Additional articles


In Part 1, you will learn JavaScript starting from scratch and go on to advanced concepts like OOP. You will concentrate on the language itself here, with the minimum of environment-specific notes. In Part 2, you will learn how to manage the browser page: add elements, manipulate their size and position, dynamically create interfaces and interact with the visitor. And in Part 3, you will find additional articles on various topics.


The tutorial includes examples and tasks that help you understand the concepts better. You can find more information about the tutorial on [The Modern JavaScript Tutorial website](


[Scrimba] Learn JavaScript for Free

**Scrimba's Learn JavaScript for Free course** is a beginner-level course that teaches you the basics of JavaScript by solving 140+ interactive coding challenges. Along the way, you will build a game, a browser extension, and even a mobile app! The course contains 207 interactive screencasts spread across 8 modules.  

Here are some of the things you will learn:


- Write your first JavaScript variable

- Basic mathematical operations

- Reassigning and incrementing

- Using functions to write less code

- The Document Object Model

- Debugging in the browser

- Objects: the basics

- Arrays


The course takes approximately 9 hours to complete and is included with paid plans. You can find more information about the course on [Scrimba's website](

[Coursera] Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

The **Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS** course is part of the **Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization** offered by Duke University on Coursera. The course is designed to teach foundational programming concepts such as functions, for loops, conditional statements, and how to solve problems like a programmer. In addition, you will learn basic web development as you build web pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. By the end of the course, you will create a web page where others can upload their images and apply image filters that you create.  

After completing this course, you will be able to:

- Think critically about how to solve a problem using programming.

- Write JavaScript programs using functions, for loops, and conditional statements.

-Use HTML to construct a web page with paragraphs, divs, images, links, and lists.

-Add styles to a web page with CSS IDs and classes.

-Make a web page interactive with JavaScript commands like alert, onClick, onChange, adding input features like an image canvas, button, and slider.


The course is beginner-level and takes approximately 33 hours to complete. It is taught by Susan H. Rodger (Professor of the Practice Computer Science), Robert Duvall (Lecturer Computer Science), Owen Astrachan (Professor of the Practice Computer Science), Andrew D. Hilton (Associate Professor of the Practice Electrical and Computer Engineering). The course is 100% online and offers flexible deadlines.

[Educative] The Complete Guide to Modern JavaScript

The **Complete Guide to Modern JavaScript** course is available on Educative. This course is designed to guide you from the basics of the language to all the new features introduced up until 2021. You will test your knowledge with quizzes and challenges. The course is taught by Alberto Montalesi and has 60 lessons that take approximately 6 hours to complete. You will learn the basics of JavaScript and get up to date with the latest version of JavaScript. You will also learn the basics of TypeScript. The course is interactive and includes 239 Playgrounds, 15 Challenges, and 24 Quizzes.


[Udacity] Full Stack JavaScript Developer Nanodegree

The **Full Stack JavaScript Developer Nanodegree** is designed to teach you how to build complete web applications using JavaScript. You will learn how to build UI and UX, create APIs and server-side business logic, and develop the persistence layer to store, process and retrieve data. The course is taught by industry professionals and takes approximately 4 months to complete.  

The course covers the following topics:

-JavaScript Package Management

-Backend Development with Node.js

-Creating an API with PostgreSQL and Express

-Angular Fundamentals

-Deployment Process

[Wes Bos] JavaScript 30

**JavaScript 30** is a free course offered by Wes Bos. The course is designed to help you learn modern JavaScript by building 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 tutorials. The course is for absolute beginners or anyone looking to brush up on their fundamentals. The course covers the following topics:


1. Vanilla JavaScript

2. HTML5 Canvas

3. CSS Grid

4. Flexbox


You can find more information about the course on the JavaScript 30 website.


[Udemy] JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

**JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts** is a course offered by Udemy. The course is designed to help you gain a deep understanding of JavaScript, learn how JavaScript works under the hood, and how that knowledge helps you avoid common pitfalls and drastically improve your ability to debug problems. The course covers topics that may seem weird, odd, and at times incomprehensible even to experienced coders. By the end of the course, you will have a clear understanding of these topics. The course is taught by Anthony Alicea and has 89 lectures that take approximately 12 hours to complete.  

The course covers the following topics:

1. Grasp how JavaScript works and its fundamental concepts.

2. Write solid, good JavaScript code.

3. Understand advanced concepts such as closures, prototypal inheritance, IIFEs, and much more.

4. Drastically improve your ability to debug problems in JavaScript.

5. Avoid common pitfalls and mistakes other JavaScript coders make.

6. Understand the source code of popular JavaScript frameworks.

7. Build your own JavaScript framework or library.


[Udemy] JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts

**JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts** is a course offered by Udemy. The course is designed to help you learn advanced JavaScript concepts such as closures, decorators, generators, and asynchronous JavaScript. The course is taught by Andrei Neagoie and has 128 lectures that take approximately 21 hours to complete. The course covers the following topics:


1. Advanced JavaScript Concepts

2. Asynchronous JavaScript

3. Object-Oriented Programming

4. Functional Programming

5. Error Handling

6. Testing


[MDN Docs Mozilla Developer Network JavaScript Guide]

The **MDN Docs Mozilla Developer Network JavaScript Guide** is a comprehensive guide to JavaScript. It covers everything from the basics of the language to advanced topics. You can find more information about the guide on the MDN Docs website.


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